This long-running series follows the adventures of a team of lifeguards on the crowded beaches of Los Angeles County. Veteran lifeguard Mitch Buchannon watches over the younger lifeguards that come and go with each passing season as they keep the beaches safe for vacationers. Frequently he must take action to save them from the raging seas and from the raging tempers that sometimes flare up between the young guards in this stressful job.
Actors: Kelly Slater, Pamela Anderson, Traci Bingham, Brande Roderick, Nicole Eggert, Brandy Ledford, Jason Momoa, Mitzi Kapture, José Solano, Gena Lee Nolin, Donna D'Errico, Shawn Weatherly, Michael Newman, Marliece Andrada, Michael Bergin, Angelica Bridges, Carmen Electra, H
Genre: Action and Adventure, Drama
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