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Watch Supersize Vs Superskinny online

What is Supersize Vs Superskinny about?
Faddy foods, slimming products, diet surgery and extreme weight loss regimes, the UK has gone diet mad! But alongside every new celeb diet launch we're continually bombarded with confusing food scares and health warnings about the serious dangers of being superslim, so it's no wonder our relationship with food is becoming increasingly dysfunctional. Each hour-long programme, presented by Dr Christian Jessen, will feature a short diet swap between two contributors – all of whom have been medically assessed prior to filming – with wildly contrasting eating habits. The show will see a superskinny undereater swap diet and lifestyle with an overweight overeater. The aim of the five day swap is to make them realise they both have a dysfunctional relationship with food – that eating too much is just as bad as undereating. The swap will kick start a whole new regime of balanced and healthy eating that is meant to re-educate them and transform their relationship with food and weight. Watch out also for Anna Richardson trying out some faddy and celeb dieting and see if Gillian McKeith can win her campaign to reduce the size of the nation's bums.

Genre: Reality
Imdb: click here

Season 1 of Supersize Vs Superskinny

Season 2 of Supersize Vs Superskinny

Season 3 of Supersize Vs Superskinny

Season 4 of Supersize Vs Superskinny

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