December Bride debuted in the fall of 1954 on CBS and centered around the life of the widow, Lily Ruskin. Lily Ruskin's life centered around her daughter, Ruth Henshaw and Ruth's husband Matt, with whom she lives with in Westwood, California. Stories often revolved around Ruth and Matt's attempts at pairing Lily up with suitable bachelors. Pete Porter was the next door neighbor who was married to the never seen Gladys but was finally seen in the form of Cara Williams in the December Bride, spinoff, Pete and Gladys which debuted in the fall of 1960. The series ended production after the 1958-1959 season but CBS aired reruns of December Bride in primetime from 1960 through 1961, most likely to promote the spinoff, Pete and Gladys.
Actors: Verna Felton, Dean Miller, Frances Rafferty, Spring Byington, Harry Morgan