This Pokémon spin-off, originally called Pokémon Housou in Japan (series ID 72975), deals with characters that have appeared on the show, like Casey (the Johto episodes), new characters; Crystal (Pokémon Crystal), and the regulars; Misty, Brock, and Team Rocket. Not only does that occur, but what happens to Misty while running the Cerulean Gym is explained, and why Brock left his Pokémon and home and only has Forretress. Pokémon Chronicles is said to air with the eighth Pokémon season starting in September 2005.
Actors: Eric Stuart, Matt Davidson, Rachael Lillis, Andi Whaley, Jhonen Vasquez, Ted Lewis, Mike Pollock, J.T. Ross, Kayzie Rogers, Satomi Koorogi, Megan Hollingshead, Dan Green
Genre: Animation