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What is Popstars (New Zealand) about?
Welcome to the Popstars (New Zealand) guide at TV Tome.Popstars was a documentary series following the creation of an all-girl group in New Zealand. 500 girls auditioned for a place in a band.Truebliss was created in early 1999 and in June their firct single, "Tonight", went to number one in New Zealand. After the band became less popular, the members soon decide it was time to end it and went their separate ways.Joe Cotton is now a presenter on the music channel M2 and has started a band with her sisters, Megan Alatini is now a main character on "The Tribe" which is filmed in New Zealand and has also started a band with her sisters, Carly Binding is a successful solo artist, Erika Takacs hosts her own Top 20 music show "Coca Cola RTR", and Keri Harper Keri Harper had gone to Australia to work as a singer on Hamilton Island.The producer of Popstars and the manager of Truebliss, Jonathan Dowling, has sold the concept of the TV series to several other countries such as

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