In a distant future where men and women live on separate planets, a lowly mechanic named Hibiki has his eyes on piloting a Vanguard, a mecha fighting machine built by the male military. He sneaks his way onto a military space ship at a time when female pirates attack with their ships called Dreads. In the middle of the battle, the male ship and female ship accidentally collide and merge into a new ship, later called the Nirvana, leaving Hibiki and two other men stranded with a crew full of women far off in the depths of space. Now, men and women must learn to live with one another just to survive against a new threat to all of humankind.
Actors: Sandy Fox, Orikasa Fumiko, Hidaka Noriko, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Melissa Fahn, Wendee Lee, Ishige Sawa, Yoshino Hiroyuki, Julie Anne Taylor, Rafael Antonio Oliver, Soumi Yoko, Kakazu Yumi, Toyoguchi Megumi, Tasaka Hideki, Kyouda Hisako, Neya Michiko, Ohara Sayaka, Abe
Genre: Action and Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Science-Fiction