The Gnoufs, an animated cartoon created by Bertrand Santini, is shown on many TV stations such as Foxtel and the ABC.
The program is about explorers from another world who have come to Earth to live. The show is computer-animated, and many episodes pivot on supernatural themes such as divinatory tarot, apparitions and the afterlife. Each episode has a moral message.
There a total of seven Gnoufs. Starting with Groo Gnouf, as their unofficial leader. The rest are Rab Gnouf, Giga Bab, Hippel Gnouf, Mini Bab, Kreepy Gnouf and Scopi Gnouf. Corperlisation This is when any Gnoufs want to take control of anything, they will 'coperlise' it and have full control of it.
Genre: Animation, Children
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