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What is TUGS about?
Welcome to the TUGS guide at TV Tome. This show was made by Robert D. Cardona and David Mitton who were the directors of 'Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends'. This show ran for 13 episodes. It was set in Bigg City Port in England during the 1920s. It was about two rival tugboat companies, The heroic Star Fleet run by Captain Star who was the narrator of the show and the villanous Z Stacks run by the devious Captain Zero. The members of the Star Fleet are 2 harbour switchers; the spunky Ten Cents and his friend Sunshine who joins them in the first episode. 3 harbour tugs; the strong scots Big Mac, the wise old O.J. and the simple-minded but strong Warrior. 1 railway tug; the obnoxious snob Top Hat and 1 ocean tug; the much conceited Hercules. The Z Stack members were 3 harbour tugs; their mean leader Zorran,and Zebedee cool/level-headed character, who occasionally helped the Star Tugs and Zak quiet follower, yet still nasty... The other members were the two bumbling id

Actors: Patrick Allen, Chris Tulloch

Season 1 of TUGS

    Episode 1: Sunshine  
    Episode 2: Pirate  
    Episode 3: Trapped  
    Episode 4: Ghosts  
    Episode 6: Jinxed  
    Episode 8: Up River  
    Episode 11: Warrior  
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