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Watch Important Things With Demetri Martin online

What is Important Things With Demetri Martin about?
Comedian Demetri Martin brings his comic variety to his very own sketch show. In each episode, Demetri uses jokes, his own hair, stand up comedy, animation and music to compile a sketch about a different "important thing."

Genre: Comedy
Imdb: click here

    Episode :   

Season 1 of Important Things With Demetri Martin

    Episode 1: Timing  
    Episode 2: Power  
    Episode 3: Brains  
    Episode 4: Chairs  
    Episode 5: Safety  
    Episode 6: Coolness  
    Episode 7: Games  

Season 2 of Important Things With Demetri Martin

    Episode : 2 Too  
    Episode 2: Ability  
    Episode 3: Strategy  
    Episode 4: Money  
    Episode 5: 2  
    Episode 7: Lines  
    Episode 8: Nature  
    Episode 9: Space  
    Episode 10: Control  
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