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What is Fat Pizza about?
Pizza is a hilarious series about a pizza shop and its wild employees. Pizza has grown famous because of their hilarious portrayal of Ethnic life. Pizza is based on the hilarious lives of five Ethnic people and one Australian pot-head. Pauly, the hilarious obsessed rev head who claimed he was a once professional boxer and wrestler, who works at the Fat Pizza shop and getting paid three dollars an hour is constantly told off by his boss and gets into fights with people, does burnouts in his turbo charged car and loves pick up the ladies. Sleek, the amusing Lebanese rapper who claims he rapped with Eminem, Snoop Dogg and 2pac, gets paid at the Fat Pizza shop three dollars and hour and also gets told off by his boss. Sleek's life goes by picking up chicks, dealing and using drugs, getting into trouble with the police constantly with his gang and rapping in his car. BoBo, the hilariously feared boss of the Fat Pizza shop who threatens to dock three dollars an hour if something goes wrong in his shop. BoBo, the forty something year old man who lives with his mum gets his chainsaw out when a food critic gives his shop and bad review. Rocky, the humorous sex crazed maniac who lives his life by cruising with the chicks, dealing and using drugs, selling stolen things on the black market and on the streets, gets into trouble with the law with his gang and robs banks and shops. Habib, the hilarious cousin/best friend of the crazy Rocky. Habib gets into trouble with the law and deals drugs with Rocky and loves to pick up the chicks. Davo, the Australian pot-head whose life is based on smoking weed using ecstacy and gets stoned most days. Davo is the token "Australian bogan" for the show, usually getting around in a pair of thongs and is notoriously a meat pie eater. He drives a thrashed out mini. Pizza is a very hilarious and witty show that has captured alot of fans in Australia. Pizza also has a stage show which sold alot of tickets. Pizza is funny show to watch and love and is enjoyed by alot of Australians.

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    Episode 2: Burnout  

Season 1 of Fat Pizza

Season 2 of Fat Pizza

Season 3 of Fat Pizza

Season 4 of Fat Pizza

Season 5 of Fat Pizza

Season 6 of Fat Pizza

Season 7 of Fat Pizza

    Episode 1: Carwash  
    Episode 6: BBQ  
    Episode 7: Doctor  
    Episode 8: Cracker  

Season 8 of Fat Pizza

    Episode :   
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