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What is Ladette to Lady about?
The new Oxford English Dictionary officially defines a ‘ladette’ as: “young women who behave in a boisterously assertive or crude manner and engage in heavy drinking sessions.” Are modern young women as uncouth as the media portray them, or does old fashioned style, elegance and class still have a place in their world? In These girls put the pig in Pygmalion, but Ladette to Lady attempts to turn these loud-mouthed ladettes back into ladies in a boot camp of etiquette, manners and social graces. Taking a real life finishing school curriculum - beefed up for the modern world - we’ll find out if modern young women are as uncouth as the media portray them to be, or if they can still epitomise English style and class? In this rip-roaring yet revealing factual entertainment series, the ladettes will be given two months of intensive training before they have to face a final challenge - can they pass themselves off as true ladies at a full-blown society ball surrounded by the elite of the elite?

Genre: Reality
Imdb: click here

Season 1 of Ladette to Lady

Season 2 of Ladette to Lady

Season 3 of Ladette to Lady

    Episode 1: Week 1  
    Episode 2: Week 2  
    Episode 3: Week 3  
    Episode 4: Week 4  
    Episode 5: Week 5  

Season 4 of Ladette to Lady

    Episode 1:   
    Episode 2:   
    Episode 3:   
    Episode 4:   
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