ABC has officially announced the return of The Mole, the "smartest reality show ever" in which a group of contestants tries to win money by avoiding the machinations of a saboteur in their midst. The network announced the move on an early Tuesday in January 2008, and the announcement was largely greeted with delight by fans, who face a harsh television series with the ongoing television and film writers' strike. The series, tentatively dubbed "Mole 3.0," has cast a new host -- Jon Kelley (ex-anchor of Extra) and promises new challenges and a new interactive element. Stone & Company (formerly Stone Stanley) will continue produce the series. The new season has been picked up for ten episodes, with twelve contestants.
Actors: Erik Von Detten, Kim Coles, Ananda Lewis, Mark Curry, Anderson Cooper, Dorothy Hui, Ali Gorman, Heather Cambell, Katie Mills, Patrick Guilfoyle, Bill McDaniel, Frederique Van Der Wal, Lisa Noller, Darwin Conner, Michael Bribs Bribiesca, Henry Wentz, Rob Nelson,
Genre: Reality
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