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Watch Jo Frost Extreme Parental Guidance online
What is Jo Frost Extreme Parental Guidance about?
Becoming a parent is like embarking on a journey, but the trouble is no one provides a map. Until now...
Season 1 of Jo Frost Extreme Parental Guidance
Episode 1: Kiran and Bronwyn
Episode 2: Madison and Bailey
Episode 3: Regan and Josh
Episode 4: Rio and Katie-Ann
Episode 5: Paige
Episode 6: Michael
Season 2 of Jo Frost Extreme Parental Guidance
Episode 1: Jack and George
Episode 2: Max and Treynce
Episode 3: Madison and Layla
Episode 4: Tashan and Diaan, Grace and Ella
Episode 5: Jack, Chloe and Demi, and Corey
Episode 6: Josh And Oliver
Episode 7: Paige, Bailey and Madison Revisit
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