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What is Dom Joly's Happy Hour about?
Dom Joly off on a journey of discovery across the world as he looks to get to grips with the habits, rituals and values of different cultures and examines their attitude to Homer Simpson’s proclaimed "cause of and solution to all of life’s problems" – alcohol. Dom Joly's Happy Hour is a surreal, spoof travel investigation in which Joly teams up with his friend, Canadian digital artist, Peter Wilkins to explore drinking habits around the world. They travel to the Southern States of America, Russia,Mexico, Australia, Europe and India. Having spent the last few decades painstakingly gathering the necessary experience for this study, Dom, seeks to find what sets different nations apart, analysing alcohol’s relationship with everything from religion to law and order. From the hallucinatory experience of moonshine in the deep south of the USA, to the consumption of extreme alcohol in Russia, a country where more industrial alcohol is consumed for personal use than anywhere else in the world, Dom and Pete stop at nothing to reach the bottom of the cultural barrel! Along the way they meet extraordinary characters – traffic cops in Florida, beer-brewing monks in Germany and mafia in Moscow.

Genre: Comedy, Documentary

Season 1 of Dom Joly's Happy Hour

    Episode 1: America  
    Episode 2: Russia  
    Episode 3: Mexico  
    Episode 5: Europe  
    Episode 6: India  
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