Cinematic Titanic is a project by Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) creator and original host, Joel Hodgson. The project involves "riffing" B-movies, in a manner similar to that of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Joining Hodgson are many of the original MST3K cast, as well as some cast members who joined later in the show's run. These include Trace Beaulieu, J. Elvis Weinstein, Frank Conniff and Mary Jo Pehl.
Like Mystery Science Theater 3000, the series uses black silhouettes of the riffers placed over the movies, but in the case of Cinematic Titanic they sit on both sides of the screen rather than just on the lower right. Frank Conniff will have access to a lift so as to "interact" with the film, similar to Joel's frequent visual gags in Mystery Science Theater 3000. Host segments play a part in the series, but are not as integral to the show as they were to the prior series.
Genre: Comedy, Special Interest