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Watch Android Ana Maico 2010 online

What is Android Ana Maico 2010 about?
In the year 2010, the Japanese radio industry is in decline. To reverse their flagging ratings, a station staffed with perennial losers makes a daring gamble: to hire the industry's first android on-air host. Maico is cute, but it will take more than novelty to win over the fickle audience -- especially with a crew as inept as this one.

Genre: Animation

Season 1 of Android Ana Maico 2010

    Episode 1: Cue  
    Episode 3: Pnyo~n  
    Episode 4: Useless  
    Episode 6: You Know  
    Episode 10: !  
    Episode 12: Morse!  
    Episode 16: Fly  
    Episode 18: Storm  
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