The Ben Stiller Show is a sketch comedy show that aired on Fox from 1992 to 1993. Each episode features Ben Stiller, Andy Dick, Janeane Garofalo, and Bob Odenkirk introducing several comedy sketches. The show was never a hit, usually hitting near last in the ratings, and was cancelled after only 12 episodes, leaving one episode unaired. Just after being cancelled, The Ben Stiller Show won an Emmy for outstanding writing in a variety program in 1993.
In 2002, Comedy Central bought the rights to the show, and started airing all the episodes, including the final episode that was never aired by Fox. The complete series can also be bought on DVD. First Telecast: September, 1992
Last Telecast: January, 1993 Episodes: 13 Color Episodes (one unaired on Fox, until later on was aired on Comedy Central) Production: Warner Bros. Entertainment Distributors: FOX
Actors: Andy Dick, Bob Odenkirk, John F. O'Donohue, Ben Stiller, Janeane Garofalo
Genre: Comedy