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What is Ruby about?
Ruby Wax
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Season 1 of Ruby
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Episode 1: Terry Jones, Eddie Izzard
Episode 2: -
Episode 3: Marianne Faithfull, Will Self, Lucinda Lambton
Episode 4: Carrie Fisher, Salman Rushdie
Episode 5: Carrie Fisher, Helen Lederer, Joanna Bowen, Kathy Lette
Episode 6: -
Episode 7: Meera Syal, Frances Barber, Marquess of Bath
Episode 8: -
Episode 9: Jeremy Hardy, Janice Halloway, Jonathan Miller, Muriel Spark
Episode 10: -
Episode 11: Rupert Everett, Jill Robinson, Fiona Shaw, Martin Sherman
Episode 12: Glenys Kinnock, Alan Davies, Anna Massey
Season 2 of Ruby
Episode 1: Joanna Lumley, Jeanne Moreau, Boy George
Episode 2: Michelle Collins, Gerald Ratner, Frances Barber
Episode 3: Rhona Cameron, Brigitte Nielsen, Joe Simpson
Episode 4: Edwina Curry, Tony Slattery, Helen Lederer
Episode 5: Dominick Dunne, Clive James (1)
Episode 6: Dominick Dunne, Clive James (2)
Episode 7: John Diamond, Julian Lennon, Carrie Fisher
Episode 8: Ivana Trump, Dana International, Julian Clary
Episode 9: Richard Wilson, P.D. James, Elizabeth Wurtzel
Episode 10: Bruce Robinson, Joanna Bowen, Ian Ross
Episode 11: Neil Simon, Anna Massey, Josephine Hart
Episode 12: Bret Easton Ellis, Carrie Fisher, Elizabeth Wurtzel
Season 3 of Ruby
Episode 1: Terry Gilliam, Eddie Izzard
Episode 2: Carrie Fisher, Graham Norton, Griff Rhys Jones, Anthony Noel Kelly
Episode 3: Graham Norton, Frances Barber, Ruth Siefert, Michael Kors
Episode 4: Sarah Miles, John Lloyd, Joanna Lumley
Episode 5: Billy Crystal
Episode 6: Tony Slattery, John Simpson, Robert Bly, Marion Woodman
Episode 7: John Diamond, Patrick Keilty, Glenda Jackson
Episode 8: John Brown, Nicky Haslem, Marianne Faithfull, Anita Pallenberg
Episode 9: Rhona Cameron, Scott Thompson, Robert McLiam Wilson
Episode 10: Malcolm McDowell, Edward Hibbert
Episode 11: -
Episode 12: Alan Cumming, Olympia Dukakis, Martin Sherman
Season 4 of Ruby
Episode 1: 4-11
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