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What is Cybersix about?
One sleepless night, as Lucas Amato, a biology teacher at Meridiana High School, was walking down the streets, he witnesses a big man vanish into the air. Lucas finds a capsule containing glowing green liquid where the man has disappeared, and takes it home. The next night in Lucas's apartment, a beauty appears through the window. Her name is "Cybersix". She persistently urges Lucas to return her the green liquid called "sustenance", and warns him that he will be in danger if he keeps it. But before she could finish her warning, a strange big man breaks into the apartment.

Actors: Alex Doduk, Terry Klassen, Chantal Strand, Janyse Jaud, Cathy Weseluck, Andrew Francis, Michael Dobson
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Season 1 of Cybersix

    Episode 3: Terra  
    Episode 9: The Eye  
click here to see where to watch

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