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Watch The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty online

What is The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty about?
Welcome to The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty guide at TV Tome.There is no editor for this show. If you would like to be the editor look here for details. This series starts off in live action. Whenever Tyrone (bulldog) terrorizes Felicia or any of Waldo's other friends, Waldo daydreams that he's a heroic character! Then the series goes animated. CATMAN: Parody of Batman that features his sidekick, Sparrow (a bird). CATZAN: King of the jungle, a Tarzan parody. THE LONE KITTY: Lone Ranger parody where he had a rabbit sidekick named Pronto & rode on his horse, Sterling! ROBIN CAT: Robin Hood parody. CAPTAIN HERC: Star Trek parody where Captain Herc ran the Starship Second Prize. Unfortunately, in reality, James Thurber (author of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty) sued Filmation over that series. When the series became part of The Groovie Goolies & Friends, the show was retitled,

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Season 1 of The Secret Lives of Waldo Kitty

    Episode 1: Cat Man  
    Episode 5: Cat Trek  
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