Ed lives with his goldfish Moby and rat Sheldon. His obsession with Pat Sajak and the triangle continues. New twists include an infatuation with his attractive neighbour Miss Malone, and dealing with his cranky landlord and wife, Leo and Deirdre Freebus. Also features the Truly Remarkable Gustav Brothers, Roger and Wendell. Count Floyd hosts Ed's favorite TV show, "Really Scary Stories.
Ed Grimley's children's show, which aired for 13 episodes on NBC in 1988. Featuring Joe Flaherty as Count Floyd, Catherine O'Hara as Ms Malone, and Andrea Martin as various voices including Mrs Freebis, the landlord's wife (Jonathan Winters did the voice of Mr Freebis). Mostly animated, with the exception of Count Floyd. If You Have Info On Some Episodes,Come On And Submit
Actors: Joe Flaherty, Martin Short, Frank Welker, Catherine O'Hara, Danny Cooksey, Jonathan Winters, Andrea Martin
Genre: Comedy
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