Yu-Gi-Oh! is a show about a boy named Yugi Moto and his alter-ego who lives in his pendant known as the Millennium Puzzle, Yami Yugi, who plays a card game known as Duel Monsters. However, everything is not so simple. The game of Duel Monsters originates in ancient Egypt, and the monsters in the cards are based off of real monsters. Also, the Millennium Puzzle holds several powerful secrets that several people want to get their hands on.
Actors: Ted Lewis, Marc Thompson, Adam Blaustein, Eric Stuart, Michael Alston Baley, Sam Regal, J.T. Ross, Andrew Rannells, Mike Pollock, Kerry Williams, Bella Hudson, You Inoue, Sebastian Arcelus, Frank Frankson, David Wills, Darren Dunstan, Kayzie Rogers, Megumi Ogata, Rica M
Genre: Animation