As Kaiba and Zigfried's duel continues, Zigfried attacks Kaiba repeatedly with his Valkyries and his monster-destroying Goddess combo. Soon Zigfried tells Kaiba why he is infiltrated Kaiba's tournament. A few years ago, Zigfried developed a holographic image projection system that could be used on Duel Monsters cards. However, Kaiba had developed the same idea at the same time and beat Zigfried to it by making a deal with Pegasus. Now Zigfried is back for revenge. Kaiba is unaffected by Zigfried's story and continues dueling, summoning his Chaos Emperor Dragon and destroys everything. However, Zigfried is able to quickly bring back his Valkyrie Brunhilde. However, through a very complicated combo, Kaiba is able to revive his three Blue Eyes White Dragons, his Chaos Emperor Dragon, and his Luster Dragon #2 all at the same time. Kaiba uses them to destroy Zigfried's Valkyrie Brunhilde and wipe out the rest of his life points.
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