Living Single was a situation comedy that centered on the lives of a group of six African American friends living in (or near) a Brooklyn brownstone. The series focused on the personal and professional lives of each character, as well as their relationships with one another. Khadijah James, editor and publisher of the urban independent monthly Flavor, shares an apartment with her sweet but naive cousin Synclaire, an aspiring actress who works as Khadijah's receptionist; and her longtime friend Regine Hunter, an image-conscious boutique buyer with a fondness for gossip and wigs. Maxine Shaw, a sharp-tongued attorney and Khadijah's best friend, stops by frequently to share her unique insights and make sure the girls' refrigerator isn't overstocked. Living upstairs are Overton Wakefield Jones, a friendly handyman who holds deep affection for Synclaire; and Kyle Barker, a handsome funds manager whose constant verbal sparring with Max does little to mask their obvious sexual a
Actors: Kim Coles, T.C. Carson, Queen Latifah, Kim Fields, Mel Jackson, John Henton, Erika Alexander
Genre: Comedy