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What is Traders about?
Traders was a terrific show created by Atlantis (now Alliance Atlantis) about the lives and goings on at Gardner/Ross, a commercial Investment Bank. (Can you say esoteric) The show used many investing terms and was seen as confusing by many. The program however won countless awards all over the world, and enjoyed a successful run of five years. Interestingly enough Gardner/Ross is a combination of One man's name, and his character. David Gardner & Cedric Ross, thus the bank name Gardner/Ross

Actors: David Hewlett, David Cubitt, Gabriel Hogan, Amos Crawley, Kevin Zegers, Peter Stebbings, Sonja Smits, Mimi Kuzyk, Paul Miller, Terri Hawkes, Gloria Slade, Rick Roberts, Kristina Nicoll, Richard Liss, Sabrina Grdevich, James Mainprize, Chris Leavins, Patrick McKen
Genre: Drama

Season 1 of Traders

    Episode 1: Options  
    Episode 9: Rumours  

Season 2 of Traders

    Episode 6: Spin  

Season 3 of Traders

    Episode 8: Meltdown  
    Episode 20: Boom  
    Episode 21: In Toto  

Season 4 of Traders

Season 5 of Traders

    Episode 8: Hawks  
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