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What is Pok�mon about?
Pok�mon is the story of a young boy named Ash Ketchum. Having reached the age of 10, he receives his first Pok�mon from Professor Oak and sets out on his Pok�mon Journey. Along for the ride are his various friends: Misty, Brock, Tracey, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, and Cilan. Together, they journey through the Kanto, Orange, Johto, Hoenn, Battle Frontier, Sinnoh and Unova Leagues. Ash takes every opportunity to capture a Pok�mon, Misty trains Pok�mon of the Water type while Brock prefers Rock types. Tracey travels around sketching Pok�mon. May started her journey for the sights and not the Pok�mon but then decided to enter Pok�mon Contests. Although Max has no Pok�mon, he helps the group out with his handy Pok�nav skills so as not to get lost but they still do from time to time. Dawn travels around to compete in contests like her mother did years ago. Iris, with no long term dream of her own, is out on a Pok�mon journey with her trusty Axew in order to raise it well. Cilan has joined Ash in order to see the Unova region, its trainers, and enhance his abilities as a Pok�mon Connoisseur.

Actors: Adam Blaustein, Ted Lewis, Eric Stuart, Rachael Lillis, J.T. Ross, Mike Pollock, Ed Paul, Frank Frankson, Scottie Ray, Nathan Price, Amy Palant, Kerry Williams, Joseph Shore, Ross Charap, Lee Quick, Jayne Grand, Wayne Grayson, Phillip Bartlett, Andrew Rannells, Jimmy Zop
Genre: Animation, Children
Imdb: click here


Season 1 of Pok�mon

Season 2 of Pok�mon

Season 3 of Pok�mon

Season 4 of Pok�mon

    Episode 3: Air Time  

Season 5 of Pok�mon

Season 6 of Pok�mon

Season 7 of Pok�mon

Season 8 of Pok�mon

Season 9 of Pok�mon

Season 10 of Pok�mon

Season 11 of Pok�mon

Season 12 of Pok�mon

Season 13 of Pok�mon

Season 14 of Pok�mon

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