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Watch Pokmon online: Episode 35 May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!

Ash and friends finally arrive at the Indigo Plateau for May�s Kanto Grand Festival. Before the competition, excitement already unfolds as Aipom returns and steals everybody�s hats! With that help of Drew and a new trainer named Solidad, they manage to get the hats back. After Drew leaves, Solidad tells May how she knows Drew, and how much he talks about May. While this is going on, Brock and Max run into a cloaked figure that they suspect to be Harley. As the next day begins, May, Drew, and Solidad all pull off impressive performances, but everyone begins to wonder where Harley is. All of a sudden, Harley, dressed as May and calling himself Mayley, comes out for a Harley original appeal. As the first round ends, May, Drew, Harley, and Solidad all progress, however, Harley has set out to defeat all of them!

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