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What is Producers' Showcase about?
Welcome to the Producers' Showcase guide at TV Tome. Live 90 minute productions were aired under this title every fourth Monday on NBC for three seasons. The productions were lavish and included many memorable performances by top stars. Peter Pan was presented on this series on March 7, 1955 with Mary Martin and Cyril Ritchard in the lead roles. So popular was this family show that it was repeated live on the same series less than a year later, January 9, 1956 with Martin and Ritchard repeating their roles. Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall made their TV dramatic debuts in an adaptation of The Petrified Forest which also starred Henry Fonda. Thornton Wilder's Our Town had been adapted for television on Robert Montgomery Presents in 1950, but the musical version of the play that aired on Producers Showcase in 1955 is the best remembered TV version of this classic. It starred Paul Newman and Eva Marie Saint, with Frank Sinatra as the stage manager! singing most of the songs, includi

Season 1 of Producers' Showcase

    Episode 3: Dateline  

Season 2 of Producers' Showcase

    Episode 2: Our Town  

Season 3 of Producers' Showcase

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