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Watch World War II in Colour and HD online
What is World War II in Colour and HD about?
Using cutting-edge colourisation techniques and information taken from recently-released secret documents, we reveal aspects of the war that have previously never been examined...
Episode 1: Blitzkrieg
Episode 2: Triumph And Despair
Season 1 of World War II in Colour and HD
Episode 1: The Gathering Storm
Episode 2: Lightning War
Episode 3: Britain at Bay
Episode 4: Hitler Strikes East
Episode 5: Red Sun Rampant
Episode 6: The Mediterranean and North Africa
Episode 7: Turning The Tide
Episode 8: The Soviet Steamroller
Episode 9: Overlord
Episode 10: Closing the Ring
Episode 11: The Island War
Episode 12: Victory in Europe
Episode 13: Victory in the Pacific
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