House of Style was MTV's groundbreaking catch-all infotainment series on fashion, designers, models, shopping, personal style and the arts. Hosted by world famous model-personality Cindy Crawford, there were no closed doors in regards to fashion shows, movie sets, and access to celebrities, designers and artists. While the show was shot in a casual, hand-held style and edited in a breath-taking manner of cuts, the show approached models, fashion and fashion with level-headed seriousness. Information was presented in a matter-of-fact style; guests were treated with reverence and models, designers and everyone featured were presented and treated as leading artists of our society. Each show was unique from the each other - there were no set studio or stock opening. There was a brief introduction of the episode - taking place indoors or out - from the mundane to the spectacular. The show's content/segments were also random and varied in length and breadth from episode to episode.