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Watch Name That Tune (1974) online

What is Name That Tune (1974) about?
Welcome to the Name That Tune (1974) guide at TV Tome. The definitive "guess the tune before your opponent" game, Name That Tune returned for its most successful run ... in once-a-week syndication. It was a series of changes that were made during the run that made it among the most exciting game shows of the mid-to-late 1970s and early 1980s. Two contestants competed in a series of rounds, each with different rules. Generally, the premise was to guess the song correctly, but it wasn't always "do it before your opponent does." Some of the games included (but not limited to): ¢ A straightforward best-of-five tune-guessing game. The first contestant to ring in could guess the tune. A correct guess was worth one point, but if incorrect, his/her opponent could guess. ¢ Melody Roulette Host Tom Kennedey spun a large roulette wheel containing dollar amounts ($100 on up to $500), along with DOUBLE and TRIPLE spaces and sometimes, even a CAR. Wherever it stopped, that

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