Fifteen follows the lives of High School students and deals with a variety of issues including dating, alcohol abuse, and friends. The series started in Canada, under the name Hillside, on YTV in 1990, but eventually was released, as Fifteen, in the US on Nickelodeon in 1991. Only 65 episodes had been produced until Nick stopped production in 1993. Fifteen was a soap opera for teens, and was Nickelodeon's first attempt at a teen soap opera. The basis of the show was the trials and tribulations of our teenage years, and the plots usually dealt with the struggles to fit in, alcohol, relationships, and school. The show is pretty simple, but overly melodramatic. The characters are all pretty much easy to understand. There was Matt, who was the show's resident athlete. He played basketball, and was an alcoholic. Then there was his girlfriend Ashley. She was sweet and charming, bubbling in innocence. Then she got caught cheating on a test and got sent to another school by her paren
Actors: Chris William Martin, Enuka Okuma, Lilias Pyczynski, Jason Quinn, David Wight, Lisa Warner, Aubrey Nealon, Sarah Douglas, Erin Donovan, Arseman Yohannes, James Gray, Jason Angel, Russell Dayvault, Robyn Ross, Claire Langlois, Erin Inglis, Lisa Ortiz, Rekha Sh