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What is Headline Chasers about?
Welcome to the Headline Chasers guide at TV Tome. Sometimes, even game show hosts get into the act of creating game shows. Wink Martindale came up with one such idea: cover up some of the letters in a newspaper headline and have someone guess what it is. The story goes that Martindale did just that one morning, while eating breakfast. The result? Headline Chasers, an interesting but short-lived game show that quizzed contestants on news events that took place (usually) within the last 100 years. Two couples competed in Headline Chasers, whose set resembled a big-city newsroom. A newspaper headline (from a daily newspaper) was shown; each headline's had most of its letters missing (e.g., S---- --R--- ----H-S; ----S P---C); the city's newspaper and date were often clues. The value of the headline decreased as more letters were revealed. The first couple to correctly identify the headline (STOCK MARKET CRASHES; BUYERS IN PANIC) won cash ($100 to $500, depending on how much

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