Wind at My Back is a Canadian family drama set in the small mining town of New Bedford during the Great Depression of the 1930s, and follows the lives of the members of the Bailey family as they live through a period marked by hardship and uncertainty. Wind at My Back was created by Kevin Sullivan and Trudy Grant, best known for their timeless adaptation of Anne of Green Gables and their beloved television series Road to Avonlea. About Wind at My Back Demise of the Series - For reasons that still remain unclear, production on Wind at My Back ended after Season 5 was filmed in late summer of 1999. Season 5 aired on CBC in the fall of 2000, when it was announced without warning that the fifth season would be Wind at My Back's last. The Season 5 finale (which had to serve as the series finale) aired on CBC on April 1, 2001. The sad tale is chronicled in a topic at the official forum. Reruns on CBC - CBC IS CURRENTLY NOT AIRING RERUNS OF THE SERIES. Previously, C
Actors: Ron Lea, Kathryn Greenwood, Laura Bruneau, Tyrone Savage, Robin Craig, James Carroll, Cynthia Belliveau, Dylan Provencher, Shirley Douglas
Genre: Drama