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What is Brady's Beasts about?
Imagine a world where kids clamour to replace their household pets¦ with monsters! That's right; goldfish and gerbils are passe. In the new millennium, hideous monsters are all the rage; and there's a lot to know about raising these carnivorous pets. Good thing 12-year-old Brady Plunkett is up for the job. Learn the dos, don'ts, and do-at-your-own-risks of raising a beast from Brady; monster-rights activist extraordinaire! CHARACTERS Brady Plunkett This outspoken twelve-year-old video virtuoso has a passion for misunderstood Monsters everywhere. It all started during a lightning storm when he was barely four. Arlene, his ornery older sister, convinced Brady that the scratching outside the window was not a branch, but a Monster wanting to come in... and eat Brady. Well, it turned out it actually was a Monster, and it actually did want to eat Brady. So, feeling sorry for the hungry beast, Brady tossed that night's leftovers out the window. The Monster scarfed it, gave a fina

Actors: Matt Devereaux, David Kitchen, Samantha Shaw
Genre: Animation

Season 1 of Brady's Beasts

Season 2 of Brady's Beasts

Season 3 of Brady's Beasts

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