The Winx Club is an animated series starring six girls (Bloom, Layla, Tecna, Flora, Musa, and Stella) who can use magic. The girls have to fight Icy, Darcy, and Stormy who are witches who were kicked out of Cloud Tower. Together with their principal, Miss Faragonda, they learn to tap into their magical abilities called Winx and defeat their enemies.
Actors: Liza Jacqueline, Rachael Lillis, Michael Sinterniklaas, Sebastian Arcelus, Anthony Salerno, Matt Hoverman, Bella Hudson, Suzy Myers, Caren Manuel, Su Meredith, Kerry Williams, Michael Alston Baley, Lisa Ortiz, Stuart Zagnit, Cathy Weseluck, Pete Zarustica, Dan Green, M
Genre: Kids
Imdb: click here