In the House centered around Marion Hill, an ex-professional football player facing a career-ending injury and reluctantly agrees to become a care-giver to a recently divorced mother of two as she starts a new career. At the start of the third season, his tenant Jackie moves back East with her son Austin, leaving Marion to serve as a guardian to her outspoken 18-year-old daughter Tiffany. Also, Marion begins to run a sports health clinic with two unpredictable partners - Tonia, an outlandish physical therapist and the egocentric Dr. Maxwell Stanton. Head Editor: drazelle1
Seasons 1-2 on NBC
Season 3-4 on UPN
Season 5 on NBC (last 6 eps)
Actors: Ken Lawson, Alfonso Ribeiro, Kim Wayans, Dee Jay Daniels, Lisa Arrindell Anderson, Jeffery Wood, LL Cool J, Dawn McMillan, Michael Warren, Debbie Allen, Maia Campbell
Genre: Comedy