"Colonial House" is PBS's answer to reality television. Over the course of five months, "settlers" are forced to adapt to life as it was in the year 1628, on a desolate stretch of coastal Maine. As the group strains to establish a working colony with only the equipment and knowledge of the time period, viewers get a glimpse at life as the Pilgrims experienced it. It's like a living slice of history!
Actors: Jeff Lin, Tony Verdecia, Debbie Verdecia, David Wyers, Bethany Wyers, Amy Wyers, Emily Verdecia, John Voorhees, Dave Verdecia, Maddison Verdecia, Giacomo Voorhees, Michelle Rossi-Voorhees, Tammy Wyers, Craig Tuminaro, Danny Tisdale, Dominic Muir, Jack Lecza, Chloe, Paul
Genre: Reality