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What is In Loving Memory about?
Christopher Beeny, Paul Luty, Sherrie Henson, Colin Farrell, Rose Power, Thora Hird, Avis Bunnage, Liz Smith
Season 1 of In Loving Memory
Episode 1: In Loving Memory
Episode 2: The Legacy
Episode 3: Gone Dancing
Episode 4: The Rivals
Episode 5: Pork
Episode 6: Come Back Little Malcolm
Episode 7: Onions
Season 2 of In Loving Memory
Episode 1: The Outing
Episode 2: Play to Me, Gipsy
Episode 3: The Honeymooners
Episode 4: Happy Birthday
Episode 5: Madame President
Episode 6: The Angels Want Me for a Sunbeam
Episode 7: The Fall of the House of Unsworth
Season 3 of In Loving Memory
Episode 1: The Actress and the Undertaker
Episode 2: Wedding Bells
Episode 3: Bowls
Episode 4: Memories Are Made of This
Episode 5: Gone But Not Forgotten
Episode 6: To Billy a Son
Episode 7: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (Christmas Special)
Episode 8: The Last Post
Season 4 of In Loving Memory
Episode 1: Flying Undertaker
Episode 2: Trouble at T'Mill
Episode 3: Blood Will Out
Episode 4: Criminal Records
Episode 5: Cuckoo in the Nest
Episode 6: Cash and Carry
Episode 7: Do You Take This Woman?
Season 5 of In Loving Memory
Episode 1: And Auntie Came Too
Episode 2: Three's A Crowd
Episode 3: They Shoot Undertakers, Don't They?
Episode 4: The Second Time Around
Episode 5: King of the Mountains
Episode 6: The Undertaker's Apprentice
Episode 7: Up in the World
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