Ronin Warriors, Yoroiden Samurai Troopers in Japan, is an anime show that originally aired here in the United States the summer of 1995. Since then, it's popularity and fan-following has grown tremendously. The story is about five young men with mystical armor fighting to save modern-day Japan from the evil Talpa, who wants to take over the mortal world. The series contains 39 half-hour episodes and 3 movies: Gaiden, Kikoutei Densetsu, and Message. It is one of the most faithful animes to be broadcasted on basic cable; the footage was never cut or edited, and the dialouge remains true to the original.
Actors: Jason Gray-Stanford, Paul Dobson, Ward Perry, Mathew Smith, Lalainia Lindjberg, Christopher Turner, Mina E. Mina, Jane Perry, Michael Donovan, Matt Hill
Genre: Animation
Imdb: click here