Regular Show is an American animated television series created by J.G. Quintel (formerly a creative director for The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack). The series was originally developed as a short for Cartoon Network's short-lived Cartoonstitute project, and features characters loosely based on those from Quintel's student films The Naïve Man From Lolliland and 2 in the AM PM. It was greenlit on August 13, 2009 by Cartoon Network and debuted on September 6, 2010. This series is rated TV-PG.
Two park groundskeepers, best friends Mordecai the blue jay and Rigby the raccoon spend their days trying to entertain themselves by any means, to the anger of Benson the high-tempered gumball machine, and Skips the Yeti, and to the delight of Pops the happy lollipop-headed man.
Genre: Animation
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