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Watch Regular Show online: Episode Pilot

Benson is meeting with Mr. Maellard, who is blaming him for Mordecai and Rigby’s past screw-ups. Just then, Mordecai and Rigby accidentally drive Mr. Mallard’s limo into the house. The next day, Mr. Mallard introduces them to Susan, who is taking Benson’s place, as he is being demoted into working with Mordecai and Rigby. Mordecai and Rigby try to teach Benson to enjoy having the ability to slack off, and at first, Benson doesn’t enjoy it, but grows to liking it, and begins doing slacking activities with them. Eventually, Benson becomes a full-time slacker like Mordecai and Rigby. But when Susan comes to them, Mordecai and Rigby try to cover themselves, but Benson has developed a worse case of slacking and refuses to work, getting Susan to fire him. Susan then becomes power-hungry, and makes Mordecai, Rigby, Skips, Pops, Muscle Man, and High-Five Ghost do tons of work and yelling at them a lot. Meanwhile, Benson meets Leon, a hobo who used to be the park manager, but became a full-time slacker and quit his job. After seeing what life can be for a slacker, Benson returns to his old personality and runs to the park to get his job back. He is, however, shocked to find Mordecai and Rigby transformed into Susans, with almost her full appearance and personality. Susan arrives, and tells Benson to get out and them to get back to work, but Benson convinces Susan that she can't turn peoples into her and that not how a person manage a park . Susan ask him what does he know about running a park and then Benson told Mordecai and Rigby them to slack off by playing video games but the two of them said they are suppose to clean but Benson told them to play or their fire then they play video games pick up their legs on the table and eat pizza, turning them back to normal. Susan told Mordecai and Rigby to get back to work but Benson said dont listen to her and it is revealed that Susan’s influence has corrupted Pops, Skips, Muscle Man, and High-Five Ghost, turning them into Susan clones but still with their facial appearances. Pops tell them to clean up the mess but Benson to them to clean it up turning back to their old self a little bit and to save them, Benson tells everyone to slack off, and they all revert to their old selves by doing so. Mordecai and Rigby get some breakfast, but since there was only one clean spoon left, they decide to play punchies for the clean spoon. Mordecai wins due to Rigby's lack of strength. Mordecai talks about how their new job is awesome and cool that they get their own rooms, which Rigby dislikes because there is nothing in them. Rigby then pours cereal in his mouth, and Mordecai pours milk on Rigby for him. Mordecai said once they get enough money they can buy some new furniture. Then they notice Benson and Pops carrying a tattered brown chair through the door. Mordecai and Rigby were amazed and since they currently have no furniture in their rooms, they are interested in obtaining the chair. The two friends rush out the front door to ask Pops what he intends to do with the chair. Pops and Benson explain to Mordecai and Rigby that they are going throw away the chair because it was worn out. Mordecai sits in it, but then he realizes it was uncomfortable. Rigby tried but Pops said that the chair is not as comfortable as it looks, trying to sit in a different way. Still wanting the chair, Pops said that they can have it but they need to figure it out themselves on who claims it. Mordecai suggested to play punchies, but Rigby told him off because he is not playing that game with him anymore. Instead, they play a game of rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets it. Pops asks Benson to watch Mordecai and Rigby play rock-paper-scissors, but Benson said that they should not play it because he said that it's an "evil game". After a while people crowd over to see them finish the game and see who wins. Mordecai stops in anger and asks Rigby why they even want it. They tie the game 100 times in a row and by doing so they summon a monster that tries to swallow the chair. Rigby blames Mordecai for summoning the moster. Rigby tries to save the chair and Mordecai tries to save Rigby by grabbing Rigby's ankles. Pops emergency calls Benson and Skips for help. Benson and Skips arrive as Pops, Mordecai and Rigby are being dragged towards the monster and holding each other ankles. Mordecai tells Rigby that he is going to throw rock. Rigby first didn't believe him but Mordecai and Benson said that he's not lying. After they break the tie, Benson yells at the both of them to clean up the mess they created or they will be fired. The duo then play rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets to drive the golf cart which was tipped over during the rescue.

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