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What is Doctor Suess about?
Doctor Suess was a series of the classic Dr. Suess books turned into Cartoons. It consist of several stories such as The Cat and the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham and The Sneetches.
Animation, Children
Season 1 of Doctor Suess
Episode 1: How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
Episode 2: Horton Hears a Who!
Episode 3: The Cat in the Hat
Episode 4: The Lorax
Episode 5: Dr. Seuss on the Loose
Episode 6: The Hoober-Bloob Highway
Episode 7: Halloween Is Grinch Night
Episode 8: Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You?
Episode 9: The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat
Episode 10: The Butter Battle Book
Episode 11: Daisy-Head Mayzie
Episode 12: The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss
Episode 13: Gerald McBoing-Boing
Episode 14: Hop on Pop
Episode 15: Fox in Sox
Episode 16: Oh Say Can You Say
Episode 17: Green Eggs and Ham
Episode 18: The Sneetches
Episode 19: The Zax
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