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What is Zero Punctuation about?
Zero Punctuation is The Escapist's groundbreaking video review series starring Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. Every Wednesday Zero Punctuation picks apart the games so you don't have to. Called "hilariously cutting ... first legitimate breakout hit from the gaming community in recent memory" by Boing Boing, see why gamers love it and developers fear it.

Genre: Comedy

    Episode 4: BioShock  
    Episode 6: Manhunt  
    Episode 7: Peggle  
    Episode 8: Halo 3  
    Episode 21: Crysis  
    Episode 30: Turok  
    Episode 43: Haze  
    Episode 53: Braid  
    Episode 56: Spore  
    Episode 64: Fable 2  
    Episode 78: Skate 2  
    Episode 79: Fear 2  
    Episode 112: Wet  

Season 1 of Zero Punctuation

    Episode 6: BioShock  
    Episode 8: Manhunt  
    Episode 9: Peggle  
    Episode 10: Halo 3  

Season 2 of Zero Punctuation

    Episode 3: Crysis  
    Episode 12: Turok  
    Episode 24: Haze  
    Episode 34: Braid  
    Episode 37: Spore  
    Episode 45: Fable 2  

Season 3 of Zero Punctuation

    Episode 7: Skate 2  
    Episode 8: Fear 2  
    Episode 41: Wet  

Season 4 of Zero Punctuation

    Episode 20: Nier  
    Episode 27: E3 2010  

Season 5 of Zero Punctuation

    Episode 3: Fable 3  
    Episode 8: MindJack  
    Episode 21: Brink  
    Episode 29: FEAR 3  
    Episode 35: Deus Ex  
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