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What is Rides about?
Join Jason Priestley and Courtney Hansen as they search the country for the ultimate in stylish, classic and tricked-out cars.

Actors: ason Priestl
Genre: Documentary
Imdb: click here


Season 1 of Rides

    Episode : Building  
    Episode 3: Westside  
    Episode 5: Rods  
    Episode 7: Topless  
    Episode 8: The Moal  

Season 2 of Rides

    Episode 2: Eleanor  
    Episode 3: Drifters  
    Episode 4: Rat Rods  
    Episode 7: Darkside  
    Episode 10: Skin  

Season 3 of Rides

    Episode 1: Hammer  
    Episode 2: XLR  
    Episode 8: Thump  
    Episode 9: Syn  
    Episode 10: XXX  

Season 4 of Rides

    Episode 2: Hammer  
    Episode 6: Core  
    Episode 7: Driven  
    Episode 9: Bond  
    Episode 15: ZZ Chop  
    Episode 17:   
    Episode 18:   
    Episode 19:   
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