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Watch Dance with the Devil (Perdita Durango) online

Where to watch Dance with the Devil (Perdita Durango)

Actors: Rosie Perez,Javier Bardem,Harley Cross,Aimee Graham,James Gandolfini,Screamin' Jay Hawkins,Demián Bichir,Carlos Bardem,Santiago Segura,Harry Porter,Carlos Arau,Don Stroud,Alex Cox,Miguel Galván,Regina Orozco
Year: 1997
Imdb: click here

"Despite almost universal condemnation of this film by critics, I found this to be an absolutely fantastic ride of a film, Alex de la Iglesia's latest film after El dia dela Bestia,Perdita Durango showed what an immense talent that Iglesia is, ranging in styles from a thriller thru to a road movie this is a movie that HAS to be seen"

Dance with the Devil (Perdita Durango) trailer

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