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Watch Luna, La online

Where to watch Luna, La

Actors: Jill Clayburgh,Matthew Barry,Veronica Lazar,Renato Salvatori,Fred Gwynne,Alida Valli,Elisabetta Campeti,Franco Citti,Roberto Benigni,Carlo Verdone,Peter Eyre,Mustapha Barat,Pippo Campanini,Rodolfo Lodi,Sara Di Nepi
Year: 1979
Imdb: click here

" But there are haunting stretches in this movie which continue to resonate with me -- an opening passage where Clayburgh is biking in the night with her baby, and even smaller moments like the strangely beautiful shot of the teenagers skateboarding down the streets of Rome, or the kid dancing to "Night Fever""

Luna, La trailer

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