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Watch Twenty Days Without War (Dvadtsat dney bez voyny) online

Where to watch Twenty Days Without War (Dvadtsat dney bez voyny)

Actors: Yuriy Nikulin,Lyudmila Gurchenko,Aleksey Petrenko,Angelina Stepanova,Yekaterina Vasilyeva,Nikolay Grinko,Lyusyena Ovchinnikova,Mikhail Kononov,Liya Akhedzhakova,Rashid Sadykov,Konstantin Simonov,Nikolay Mikheev,Vladimir Mishanin
Year: 1981
Imdb: click here

" Many of the sequences here are shot almost documentary-style, with such unpretentiousness and candor, as if the real war participants and victims were actually interviewed on screen"

Twenty Days Without War (Dvadtsat dney bez voyny) trailer

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