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Watch Dragon Gate Inn (Dragon Inn) online

Where to watch Dragon Gate Inn (Dragon Inn)

Actors: Lingfeng Shangguan,Chun Shih,Ying Bai,Feng Hsu,Chien Tsao,Han Hsieh,Ah-Tsai,Ying-Chieh Han,Simon Hsu,Fei Kao,Ming Kao,Hsiao Pao Ko,Chieh Li,Chu Liu,Shih Lu
Year: 0
Imdb: click here

"If there is any complaint by any viewer, it's the pace that many may find it a bit slow but isn't most highly regarded movies slow ?? The finale scene is the most climatic in a Chinese action that critc compared this film to "Rio Bravo" and "The Wild Bunch""

Dragon Gate Inn (Dragon Inn) trailer

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