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Watch Early Summer (Bakushû) online

Where to watch Early Summer (Bakushû)

Actors: Setsuko Hara,Chishû Ryû,Chikage Awashima,Kuniko Miyake,Ichirô Sugai,Chieko Higashiyama,Haruko Sugimura,Kuniko Igawa,Hiroshi Nihon'yanagi,Shûji Sano,Toyo Takahashi,Seiji Miyaguchi,Tomoka Hasebe,Kazuyo Itô,Kokuten Kôdô
Year: 1951
Imdb: click here

" It's no wonder that this is the favorite Ozu movie of formalist film scholar than David Bordwell -- Ozu frames and re-frames his compositions, reinventing spaces with each cut and shot,turning an ordinary house into a cinematic funhouse -- only PLAYTIME, IVANTHE TERRIBLE and LAST YEAR IN MARIENBAD have offered similar wondersas far as I'm concerned"

Early Summer (Bakushû) trailer

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